
The alpha build now has an map that is starting to expand. One big area that I created is the City section. The city section is one part of the large map I will keep on building and expanding. For the core mechanics, I created multiple features you can do with your gun. Once I managed to make a ammo system as when you fire the value integer decreases. I created a reloading mechanism where if the player runs out of ammo in it's current magazine, it will reload from the total ammo you have. Aiming has been add with a scope that you can attach or not. A new flashlight feature has been added to guide around dark areas of the map. The weapon can fire when aiming or not. 

New collectables included a Health item, Food crate, and ammo crate. These items are scattered across the map and can be interactable by touching them. They will heal your health bar and fill up your hunger bar. Ammo crates can give you ammunition when you are low on ammo.

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